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EU-Trucks Mercedes Benz

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Thursday, March 10th 2011, 7:06pm

EU-Trucks Mercedes Benz

Mercedes Actros 1848 MegaSpace modyfi by NawrotBdG

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Thursday, March 10th 2011, 7:07pm


Spoiler Spoiler

Mercedes Actros 1844 MPII by DrivtEr, Converted by Porcius.


As other people have my actros have i decided to releas him before he can exchange that for other Things.
i hope that all respekt my work of 8 month and dont destroy my model.


This model is distributed as Freeware. You may use this software on any number of computer for as long as you like. I allow free distributing of the model,

but i retain ownership and copyright of the model in its entirety.
You may use and/or distribute the software only subject to the following conditions:
- You may not modify the readme file in any way
- You must include all the files that were in the original distribution
- You may not sell the software or change a distribution fee, except to recover media costs.
- You have to mention me as co-author.
- You understand and agree with this license.
If you unpack the RAR file you agree with this license.


Sven777b - Interior
Model - DrivtEr
Convert - DrivtEr
Convert to Haulin' - Porcius
Samson - Flarepack

Software used:

Zmodeler 2.1.0
Adobe Photoshop CS3


put the .scs file in your mod folder
It's a standalone truck so you have to add this line into your truck storage:

@include "definition/actros.sii"

Thanks to:

Sven777b-for Tips,Help
Ventures87-For Tips
Porcius for conversion
MB Actros2660-For Pics
newS-For Pics and creatint the LOD-Model
For all who read the readme and download the truck

PMG locked.

I Hope that the people sometime accept that "PRIVAT" is privat!!!


Thanx DrivtEr for permision ! have fun & enjoy it.

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Thursday, March 10th 2011, 7:08pm


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Thursday, March 10th 2011, 7:09pm

Mercedes-Benz Actros Cruiser Concept

Spoiler Spoiler

MB Actros Cruiser Concept v1.1

- Actros 1840ms -


Die Skins sind von Actros 1840ms und King of the Autobahn!.
Enthalten sind folgende:

- Ottensmann Skin von Actro 1840ms
- A.TALKE Skin von Actro 1840ms
- Hertz Skin von Actro 1840ms
- Schober Transporte Skin by King of the Autobahn

Enthalten sind folgende:

- Lampenbügel auf dem Dach
- Hörner
- Gardienen

Wheels --> made by man_lion Convertiert und Modifiziert Von Actros 1840ms!
Vorne:MICHELIN 385/65R22.5 XTA2 ENERGY Polycount:3575
Hinten:MICHELIN 315/70R22.5 ENERGY Polycount:2820


Öffnet die gepackte rar Datei und fügt die gepackte .scs Dateien in C:/Eigene Dateien/18 Wos Haulin/mod

Zudem muss der Truck noch in die sogenannte Truck_Storage.sii eingetragen werden. Fügt in diese Datei
die folgende Zeile hinzu.

@include "definition/cruiser.sii"
Skintamplate ist Dabei!

Spedzieller Dank geht an King of the Autobahn für den schönen Schober skin!

Die pmg Datei ist gelockt!!!


The Skins are all made by Actros 1840ms and King of the Autobahn.
Included are follow:

- Ottensmann Skin by Actro 1840ms
- A.TALKE Skin by Actro 1840ms
- Hertz Skin by Actro 1840ms
- Schober Transporte Skin by King of the Autobahn

Included are follow:

- Lights handle on the roof
- Horns
- Serve

Wheels --> made by man_lion Converted and Modifiziert by Actros 1840ms!
front:MICHELIN 385/65R22.5 XTA2 ENERGY Polycount:3575
back:MICHELIN 315/70R22.5 ENERGY Polycount:2820



open the packed rar file and adds the packed .scs file in C:/Eigene Dateien/18 Wos Haulin/mod

You have to add this truck in the Truck_Storage.sii. USe the follow line for it:

@include "definition/cruiser.sii"
Skintamplate is in with it!


Special thanks goes to Kinf of teh Autobahn for its Schober skin!

the pmg file is locked!!!

Have fun =;o)

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Thursday, March 10th 2011, 7:12pm


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Thursday, March 10th 2011, 7:13pm


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Thursday, March 10th 2011, 7:14pm


Spoiler Spoiler

subor nakopirujeme do mojich dokumentov-haulin-mod.
potom este musime prepisat truck storage.ten subor si otvorime v notapede a nakopirujes tam toto
TRUCK STORAGE : @include "definition/actrl.sii"

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