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Volvo FH 440 Euro5 by DANZ
Volvo FH16 Tunning by Johy
FH12.420 Globetrotter by Paffalek & TheTrooper
Volvo FH12 420 Globetrotter by paffalek, convert by TheTrooper
model by: Paffalek
Thanks to:
Ventures (wheels)
Leon D. (logo's)
V8NBT (horns)
TheTrooper (mapping, converting + modifying)
it includes 1 skin, and place for 2other skins.
Also a template is included, so you can skin easily.
---> @include "definition/fh12glob.sii" <---
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F12 by Pawel
Volvo F12
This Creater Truck : Pawe³
Truck Conversion for Haulin : Autokolekcja
Special Thanks:
-Pawe³ for nextradition volvo
-DriverWRC for correction truck
-Rsm for picture shoowroom
-Czak for wheels
Paste the all file into your
C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\18 WoS Haulin\mod
Don't Edit Please Guys
Or I can make convert your wheels Michelin to my Volva F12 Autokolekcja and this trucka would give then
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F1220 by Ventures87
Volvo F1220 Auf Achse Version
-----By Ventures87----
Das komplette Modell Truck/Wheels wurde von mir (Ventures87) erstellt.
Es sind keine Zubehörparts oder andere Skins enthalten, da dies die reine Auf Achse Version ist.
Die PMG sowie die SCS sind gelockt.
Verändern (welches das Hacken vorraussetzt) ist strengstens untersagt.
Entpackt das Archiv und kopiert die f1220.scs in euren Mod Ordner
fügt in eure truck_storage.sii folgende Zeile hinzu:
@include "definition/f1220.sii"
Danke an Scaniaman580 fürs Glas.
The whole model (Truck/Wheels) was made by me (Ventures87).
There are no Accesoiry Parts or other Skins included, because this is only the "Auf Achse" Version.
The PMG and SCS are locked.
Modifying it (which assumes Hacking it) is strictly forbidden.
Extract the Archive and copy the f1220.scs into your mod folder.
add the following line to your truck_storage.sii:
@include "definition/f1220.sii"
Thx to Scaniaman580 for Glass.
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Volvo FH12 Globetrotter XL by ?
Hits today: 99,206 | Hits yesterday: 113,081 | Hits record: 353,247 | Hits total: 236,799,582 | Average hits: 48,440.37
Clicks today: 176,204 | Clicks yesterday: 181,630 | Clicks record: 756,082 | Clicks total: 761,811,124 | Clicks avarage: 155,838.17 | Counts since: May 3rd 2011, 7:40am
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Euro Truck Simulator,Euro Truck Simulator 2,German Truck Simulator,Forum,Community,Downloads,Support,Euro Trucksimulator,Euro Trucksimulator 2,German Trucksimulator,Trucks,18 Wheels of Steel,Haulin,Convoy,Pttm,Long Haul,Trucksimulator,Trucksimulation,Truck Simulator,Simulation,ATS,Trucksim,Extreme Trucker 2,ETS,ETS2,GTS,UKTS,ET,ET2,18WoS,Tutorial,Tutorials,Tipp,Zmodeler,z3d,Modding,SCS,simulation,support, Zmod,z3d,Sk,Skins,Map,Maps,Mod,Mods,Trucksims,STD,Scania Truck Driving Simulator,Scania,ETS2Mods, Euro Trucksimulator2 Mods