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Meldüng: Wrong road look connection lane count doesn't match !

Antworten im Thema: 5 » Der letzte Beitrag (30. September 2011, 00:37) ist von fsimon.

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Montag, 26. September 2011, 20:05

Meldüng: Wrong road look connection lane count doesn't match !

Hey Leute,

I'm Rick and i come from the Netherlands, so sometimes ill speak deutsch und sometimes english ! :D

i was putting a building in Amsterdam and right after that i pressed save map.

Then it said ; Wrong road look connection lane count doesn't match !

I really hope you modders could help me !

What does that kind of message means?

Again i hope you guys can help me!

Thank you very much guys !

Best Regards,

Rick :D 8)




Dienstag, 27. September 2011, 22:11

when you a Truck modding than must be start a new game


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Dienstag, 27. September 2011, 22:36

False, Justin. He works on a map and has an problem at the saving! ;) But i don't now the answer. Hopefully help other user.




Mittwoch, 28. September 2011, 07:03

ah ok than posting pls the log in a spoiler



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Mittwoch, 28. September 2011, 23:22

I think, it's because of a wrong road connection (the error message says all).
I once had the same problem, and solved it through checking the connections between the roads. This error message comes, if you try to put for example a 4 lane and a 2 or 3 lane road together. This doesn't work (the map editor connects the 2 roads, but you get this error message if you try to save). You should check your road connections, and correct the mistake. (so for the future: the best is to put only streets with the same amount of lanes together ;) )

I hope this helps you and i hope u can understand what i tried to write.
I excuse for my bad English

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Freitag, 30. September 2011, 00:37

Just workout a highway exit for one of the lanes into nothing, then it should work.

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