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Scania Torpedo By Conte & Seryoga
Scania Longline 2 (Real) Version 2 by Seryoga
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Scania R580 8x4 Twin Steer "Prototype" by Kamaz
Here the v1.3 from the prototype, its an major
update, i hope u like it.
Start a new game for 16 gears & stuff
& check tuningparts ingame for max hp & stuff.
- Flashlights
Fuel Tank
- Interior (scs based)
- Pipe
- Toolboxes
- many
other things
U can use this parts for own projects, convert to
other Versions ...
Permission for my parts won't needed but think on
the credits !
Remove other versions from
this release !
Copy scs to your "\Euro Truck Simulator\mod\"
directory, done.
Base by sheryO,
smokesettings, hornsound & reflection maps by ols,
wheels by ???
(i think wombat), some flares from the "posilflares pack" included,
textures by newS, drapes by Scania164L
Scania R620 Lowdeck Reinert
Truck by ???
Skin by Viper
Scania R420 Highline modyfic by Hubertus + Schmitz
Reefer Skin
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Scania-STAX v1.0 by newS
Ich (newS) habe mich nun entschlossen, den Scania-STAX zum Herunterladen bereitzustellen.
Ich (newS) hoffe Ihr haltet Euch an die Regeln, die in den beiliegenden Textdateien nachzulesen sind.
Today I'm release the Scania-STAX.
Please, holds you to the rules. The rules are included in the readme_english.txt.
by newS
- Model by newS
- "Scania Super Track"-wheels by newS
- including Scania-standard-wheels made by Ventyres
- including new Version of flares by Samson
- the cockpit from the interiorview by SCS-Soft.
special thanks for tips to:
- Ventyres
- KamaZ/Johnny Cash
- TurboBee
- Samson
- and Dave for Beta-Test
- der Scania-STAX ist ausschliesslich!!! über meine HomePage zu beziehen.
Er darf NICHT !!! auf anderen Homepages oder sonstigen filehostern zum Herunterladen bereit gestellt werden.
In anderen Download-Archiven und Foren darf beim Modell lediglich auf meine HomePage verlinkt werden.
Nutzungsbedingungen / Terms of Use :
- der Scania-STAX ist ausschliesslich!!! über meine HomePage zu beziehen.
Er darf NICHT !!! auf anderen Homepages oder sonstigen filehostern zum Herunterladen bereit gestellt werden.
In anderen Download-Archiven und Foren darf beim Modell lediglich auf meine HomePage verlinkt werden.
terms of use:
- you become the Scania-STAX only from my homepage.
It's forbidden to upload this on other sites or filehoster !!!
On other download-sites and forums you can place only a picture and the link to my homepage:
- The models, skins and other files in this package can be used in "Euro Truck Simulator" by private persons.
- It's forbidden to use this or parts of the package for commercial use.
- It's allowed to make skins and place them for download (without the model)
- It's forbidden to hack/crack and modify the truck and the "Scania Super Track"-wheels
- only the interior-view are open-source
- Trademarks are the property of the respective trademark holders.
Accepting one or more parts of the terms of use means usage of this package isnt allowed.
If you hack the protected files, you destroy the community.
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Euro Truck Simulator,Euro Truck Simulator 2,German Truck Simulator,Forum,Community,Downloads,Support,Euro Trucksimulator,Euro Trucksimulator 2,German Trucksimulator,Trucks,18 Wheels of Steel,Haulin,Convoy,Pttm,Long Haul,Trucksimulator,Trucksimulation,Truck Simulator,Simulation,ATS,Trucksim,Extreme Trucker 2,ETS,ETS2,GTS,UKTS,ET,ET2,18WoS,Tutorial,Tutorials,Tipp,Zmodeler,z3d,Modding,SCS,simulation,support, Zmod,z3d,Sk,Skins,Map,Maps,Mod,Mods,Trucksims,STD,Scania Truck Driving Simulator,Scania,ETS2Mods, Euro Trucksimulator2 Mods